Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hey wassup y'all! I am here with the official list of how to properly deal with a vypr. The vypr is a very dangerous creature, and should not be pissed of at all costs... anyways, here is the list for self-preservation:

1. If you are a guy, NEVER touch me! Except for a handshake, I might mistake you for a gay fag and beat the living crap out of you...

2. If you are a girl, NEVER touch my back. I don't like people touching my back, and I might just spin around and mistake you for a guy... (see #1.) Just kidding, I never hit girls... but seriously don't go there...

3. NEVER touch my hat! You don't touch a black man's stereo, or a chinaman's CD player, and you DEFENITELY do NOT touch a vypr's hat!

4. NEVER mess with my family or friends. You WILL feel massive amounts of pain!

All right, then... now for some more deeper thinking... me and mi novia (that's girlfriend for all you spanish-challenged people) were talking and she was like:
Onyx Fire: the only thing sadder than people posting bullitens b/c they're bored and have nothing better to do is the fact that we actually read the things!!!
me: wow... that was deep....
Onyx Fire: i got distracted for a min
me: ah...k
Onyx Fire: yeah...the only thing is that wells are deep too but they're also mostly empty
Sent at 4:05 PM on Wednesday
me: oohh... wow, you are on a roll... I gotta remember these when I'm not punch-drunk from lack of sleep!

Anyways, that's all for now.. keep it weird y'all!

Monday, March 19, 2007

And were back!

Hey all, this is da vypr! I am back from Anchorage and the Special Olympics State Games with a Silver Medal in tow.. the Tanana Valley Tornados did an excellent job at State, dealing with a new team from Mat-Su, that should've been in A Division, and that didn't understand the unwritten rules of the game...then of course, there was some ...ahem... questionable calls by the referees, but oh well! All in all, it was a fun trip, and the games were fun...Here are some pictures from our trip:

Monday, March 5, 2007

Tanana Valley Special Olympics Floorhockey Team - The Tanana Valley Tornados!

hey all you peoples out there, howzit goin? good... well, here's the latest... the Prez, the VP and possibly our first non-titled member are going down to Anchorage for Special Olympics State Games! woot! Cheer us on as Tanana Valley prepares to defend their title as Gold Medalists in the B Division of Floorhockey for the last 4 years! Let's support our athletes as they show us what they can do on the court. I am bringing my camera so you can bet there is gonna be some sweet pictures when I get back, so keep checkin'! I might also include some pictures from last year... hmm. Anyways, keep it weird!